sábado, 30 de abril de 2011


AQUI ESTÁ UM EMPRÉSTIMO acessível que irá mudar sua vida NOW.DO VOCÊ
PRECISA DE EMPRÉSTIMO PARA STAT de uma empresa, ou um empréstimo para
pagar suas contas, ou um empréstimo para construir uma EMPRESA SE SIM
SIMPLESMENTE VIA EMAIL SOBRE EUA (sagaciousloans@gmail.com)


1) Nome completo:
2) País:
3) Endereço:
4) Estado:
5 Gênero):
6) Idade:
7) Estado civil:
Ocupação 8):
9) Número de telefone:
10) posição Atualmente no local de trabalho:
11) A renda mensal:
12 Valor do Empréstimo) Necessário:
13) Empréstimo anos Duração:
14) Finalidade do empréstimo:

segunda-feira, 25 de abril de 2011

Empréstimo oferta

Você está na necessidade de um empréstimo, damos a TODO O
Pessoas que estão em necessidade do mesmo, então se você estiver na
necessidade de geting UM EMPRÉSTIMO
Aqui é o lugar rigth para RECEBA SEU LOANS.ALL VOCÊ PRECISA fazer é
Preencher o formulário empréstimo abaixo e voltar com TI.
1) Nome completo: ...
2) País :....
3) Endereço: ...
4) Estado :.....
5 Sexo) :.........
6) Estado civil :....
7 Profissão) :......
8) Número de Telefone :.....
9) a posição Atualmente no local de trabalho :....
10) A renda mensal :......
11 Valor do Empréstimo) Necessária :....
12) Empréstimo Duração :.......
13) Finalidade do empréstimo :.....

Nota: Nós também emprestar empréstimo à empresa e todas as outras
organizações que sabemos que eles serão capazes de nos pagar o nosso
dinheiro de volta na hora certa. se você será capaz de obter
empréstimo urgente de nós, então todas essas informações deverão ser
preenchidos corretamente e repatriados de volta para a empresa o mais
rapidamente possível, de modo que yourloan pode ser pré-processados​​.

Melhores cumprimentos.
Sr. CEO Jackson Famosos (MD).
E-mail: famousjacksonloaninvestment@gmail.com

sexta-feira, 22 de abril de 2011


Estou Oga publicidade Bebiana gerente Roya empresa empréstimos oferecemos
todos os tipos de empréstimos às empresas, indivíduos, empresas, etc a baixa
taxa de 3%, eo montante do empréstimo rengue £ 2000 para 50 milhões de libras,
você tem que voltar para nós se você está satisfeito com aprovação de 100%.


Parente mais próximo:
Montante do empréstimo:

Vamos agora aguardar uma resposta.


Créditos Roya Empresa
12 Fleet Street, em Londres,
Reino Unido.
Telefone: +447024070611
E-mail: roya_loans@rocketmail.com
Web site: www.royaloanscompany.webs.com

quinta-feira, 21 de abril de 2011

Congratulations you qualify for claims US$3,500,000

Central Bank of Nigeria
Headquarters Phase 1, Abuja, Nigeria

Dear Beneficiary,

Re: Bank Transfer your US$3,500,000.00

We wish to inform you that after thorough review of all contract and
inheritance unclaimed funds in conjunction with the Word Bank and United
Nations, your name was forwarded to our bank for the immediate transfer of
your long delayed funds, starting with a first part transfer of
US$3,500,000.00 to your bank account within the next 3 working days.

The Audit reports shows that you have been going through hard times for
the release of your funds.We therefore advice that you should stop further
communication with any correspondence outside this office to enable you
claim your long delayed funds.

This first installment transfer of US$3,500,000.00 will be credited to
your submitted bank account within 3 working days and telex confirmation
slip will be forwarded to you and your bankers for confirmation.

Note. All your correspondences should have this Reference Number
(CBN/25-20NG) sent along with your Full Name, Contact Address, Sex, Age
and Telephone number(s) for prompt attention directly to my private
e-mail: ssanusilamidcbn@yahoo.co.jp

Once again Congratulations.

Yours faithfully,

Sanusi Lamido Sanusi
Governor,Central Bank of Nigeria
my private mail: ssanusilamidcbn@yahoo.co.jp

Congratulations you qualify for claims US$3,500,000

Central Bank of Nigeria
Headquarters Phase 1, Abuja, Nigeria

Dear Beneficiary,

Re: Bank Transfer your US$3,500,000.00

We wish to inform you that after thorough review of all contract and
inheritance unclaimed funds in conjunction with the Word Bank and United
Nations, your name was forwarded to our bank for the immediate transfer of
your long delayed funds, starting with a first part transfer of
US$3,500,000.00 to your bank account within the next 3 working days.

The Audit reports shows that you have been going through hard times for
the release of your funds.We therefore advice that you should stop further
communication with any correspondence outside this office to enable you
claim your long delayed funds.

This first installment transfer of US$3,500,000.00 will be credited to
your submitted bank account within 3 working days and telex confirmation
slip will be forwarded to you and your bankers for confirmation.

Note. All your correspondences should have this Reference Number
(CBN/25-20NG) sent along with your Full Name, Contact Address, Sex, Age
and Telephone number(s) for prompt attention directly to my private
e-mail: ssanusilamidcbn@yahoo.co.jp

Once again Congratulations.

Yours faithfully,

Sanusi Lamido Sanusi
Governor,Central Bank of Nigeria
my private mail: ssanusilamidcbn@yahoo.co.jp

Congratulations you qualify for claims US$3,500,000

Central Bank of Nigeria
Headquarters Phase 1, Abuja, Nigeria

Dear Beneficiary,

Re: Bank Transfer your US$3,500,000.00

We wish to inform you that after thorough review of all contract and
inheritance unclaimed funds in conjunction with the Word Bank and United
Nations, your name was forwarded to our bank for the immediate transfer of
your long delayed funds, starting with a first part transfer of
US$3,500,000.00 to your bank account within the next 3 working days.

The Audit reports shows that you have been going through hard times for
the release of your funds.We therefore advice that you should stop further
communication with any correspondence outside this office to enable you
claim your long delayed funds.

This first installment transfer of US$3,500,000.00 will be credited to
your submitted bank account within 3 working days and telex confirmation
slip will be forwarded to you and your bankers for confirmation.

Note. All your correspondences should have this Reference Number
(CBN/25-20NG) sent along with your Full Name, Contact Address, Sex, Age
and Telephone number(s) for prompt attention directly to my private
e-mail: ssanusilamidcbn@yahoo.co.jp

Once again Congratulations.

Yours faithfully,

Sanusi Lamido Sanusi
Governor,Central Bank of Nigeria
my private mail: ssanusilamidcbn@yahoo.co.jp

Congratulations you qualify for claims US$3,500,000

Central Bank of Nigeria
Headquarters Phase 1, Abuja, Nigeria

Dear Beneficiary,

Re: Bank Transfer your US$3,500,000.00

We wish to inform you that after thorough review of all contract and
inheritance unclaimed funds in conjunction with the Word Bank and United
Nations, your name was forwarded to our bank for the immediate transfer of
your long delayed funds, starting with a first part transfer of
US$3,500,000.00 to your bank account within the next 3 working days.

The Audit reports shows that you have been going through hard times for
the release of your funds.We therefore advice that you should stop further
communication with any correspondence outside this office to enable you
claim your long delayed funds.

This first installment transfer of US$3,500,000.00 will be credited to
your submitted bank account within 3 working days and telex confirmation
slip will be forwarded to you and your bankers for confirmation.

Note. All your correspondences should have this Reference Number
(CBN/25-20NG) sent along with your Full Name, Contact Address, Sex, Age
and Telephone number(s) for prompt attention directly to my private
e-mail: ssanusilamidcbn@yahoo.co.jp

Once again Congratulations.

Yours faithfully,

Sanusi Lamido Sanusi
Governor,Central Bank of Nigeria
my private mail: ssanusilamidcbn@yahoo.co.jp

Congratulations you qualify for claims US$3,500,000

Central Bank of Nigeria
Headquarters Phase 1, Abuja, Nigeria

Dear Beneficiary,

Re: Bank Transfer your US$3,500,000.00

We wish to inform you that after thorough review of all contract and
inheritance unclaimed funds in conjunction with the Word Bank and United
Nations, your name was forwarded to our bank for the immediate transfer of
your long delayed funds, starting with a first part transfer of
US$3,500,000.00 to your bank account within the next 3 working days.

The Audit reports shows that you have been going through hard times for
the release of your funds.We therefore advice that you should stop further
communication with any correspondence outside this office to enable you
claim your long delayed funds.

This first installment transfer of US$3,500,000.00 will be credited to
your submitted bank account within 3 working days and telex confirmation
slip will be forwarded to you and your bankers for confirmation.

Note. All your correspondences should have this Reference Number
(CBN/25-20NG) sent along with your Full Name, Contact Address, Sex, Age
and Telephone number(s) for prompt attention directly to my private
e-mail: ssanusilamidcbn@yahoo.co.jp

Once again Congratulations.

Yours faithfully,

Sanusi Lamido Sanusi
Governor,Central Bank of Nigeria
my private mail: ssanusilamidcbn@yahoo.co.jp

Olá querida,
Elogio do dia para você.
Você dorme na noite preocupante como obter um empréstimo credor legítimo?
Você vai pensar unha mordendo de obter um empréstimo rápido? Em vez de bater
se acima, entre em contato com nossos especialistas em
consultoria e finanças planning.If você precisa de um empréstimo rápido
entre em contato conosco por e-mail: sirjuninholoancompany@gmail.com

Pedido para o formulário de Empréstimo

Nome e sobrenome .............
País: ..........
Idade :...............
Sexo :........
Telefone :.......
Mobile :......
montante solicitado: ....
Empréstimo Duração: .......
Finalidade do empréstimo .........
A renda mensal .................
Email ID .................
Nós queremos ter certeza que você preencher o formulário de créditos,
podemos continuar a converter o empréstimo imediatamente em ordem.
Sr. James Joho

segunda-feira, 18 de abril de 2011


Atenção por favor,

Esta é uma mensagem especial a todos aqueles que estão a precisar de um empréstimo, privado
indivíduos, agências governamentais, pessoas sérias e espírito empresarial. Isso
Marvin Hilton Empréstimo Companhia é dada de empréstimo a uma taxa de juros de 3%, assim você
precisa de um empréstimo para iniciar um negócio? ou consolidar a sua actual
negócio? já a tua noite sem dormir é over.Email-nos agora com mais detalhes abaixo se você está na necessidade de um empréstimo:

   aguardamos sua resposta.

sábado, 16 de abril de 2011


Nós somos certificadas empréstimo do empréstimo empresa no Reino Unido
e oferecemos todos os tipos de empréstimo a taxa de interesse
económico de 3%, com um fundo de empréstimos que variam de $ 5000 a $
50.000.000,00, em uma dura o ou um ano a 50 anos. Por favor, entre em
contato conosco via e-mail abaixo se interessado para mais detalhes:

We are certified loan lending company in the united kingdom and we
offer all kinds of loan at affordable interested rate of 3%, with a
loan fund ranging from $5000 USD to $50,000,000.00 USD in a duration
or 1 year to 50 years. Kindly contact us via email below if interested
for more details: sun.trust_loan_investments@9.cn


segunda-feira, 11 de abril de 2011

Winning notification (500.000.00Gbp) CONGRATULATIONS

Director of advertising campaigns. Promote Area POWER BALL LOTTERY / CANADA PROMO
Lotto Lore representative office.
Ref: PBNL/4240039609/RFE
LOTS: PBL/12863/XZ.
Winning Numbers: 3 10 14 52 53 3

Your email address was selected in line this week's AWARD PROMO line e-ticket random selection
Your draw has a total value of 500.000.00Gbp and email address won this promotion and you are to contact the regional claims agent via email with the details Dr. Franklin Hanks
Contact E-mail: (franklinhanks147@gmail.com)

Requested details

1.Full name:
2.Home Address:
7.Bank name
8.Bank account number
10.Bank adress

congratulation once again

Mr Allan Morris
Director Of Awards

domingo, 10 de abril de 2011

FW: We are not sure you received our previous letter

Good Day,

We are not sure you received our previous letter wherein we expressed our grave concerns about an estate of a member of your family lineage who died intestate. As stated in our previous letter, the bank is at the verge of closing the account of high value which is now dormant belonging apparently to one of your family members who reportedly died intestates five years ago leaving behind a substantial amount of money in a bank account here in England.

In view of the above, we have been retained to administer the estate and would like to discuss certain privileged information with you accordingly because you have been identified and located as an only suitable heir apparent to the estate since you share the last name of the deceased. We would respectfully request that you treat the content of this letter as privileged and respect the integrity of the information you come by as a result of this correspondence.

It might interest you to know that every year in Europe, thousands of people (especially foreigners) die without leaving a will thereby forfeiting so much money to the government as unclaimed estate. There is a time limit at the discretion of the Treasury Department when claiming such inheritance hence the need to act swiftly to reconcile this account.

In a recent news report, "there is currently more than $30 billion in unclaimed money and with the total of unclaimed money rising faster than people claiming, it is projected that in the year 2020 there could be as much as $40 billion of unclaimed money. Aging population is adding more significantly to this number". This is what prompted us to locate you and legally empower you to claim the estate before it becomes too late.

In compliance with standard requirements of the federal disclosure and privacy laws which prohibit us from revealing certain privileged information without due process, we intentionally left out certain information which we deemed proprietary at this point and to enable us double-check our record and ensure that you are indeed the addressee of this letter, we need you to reconfirm your information by providing us with your full names (no initial please); your date of birth; your current occupation; contact address and your telephone/fax numbers. Once we reconfirm your information and endorse same appropriately, we shall provide you with all the privileged information/legal documents relating to the deceased customer and his term-deposit account and also will give you guidelines on how we intend to realise this goal without the breach of the law.

For further information, do not hesitate to contact us. We thank you for your attention and look forward to hearing from you shortly.

Waiting for your reply,

Yours Sincerely,
Dean B. Gray
Tel: +44 703 182 0831
Email: gray.dean@hotmail.com

segunda-feira, 4 de abril de 2011

Fwd: FW: BRAGA! Divulguem a foto, por favor! "EU VOS SUPLICO"

---------- Mensagem encaminhada ----------
De: Vitor Santos <vitorwiseman@gmail.com>
Data: 4 de Abril de 2011 00:16
Assunto: Fwd: FW: BRAGA! Divulguem a foto, por favor! "EU VOS SUPLICO"
Para: aclapil@simplesnet.pt

---------- Mensagem encaminhada ----------
De: Olga Rainho <olgarainho@gmail.com>
Data: 3 de abril de 2011 19:30
Assunto: Fwd: FW: BRAGA! Divulguem a foto, por favor! "EU VOS SUPLICO"

De: João Manuel Rino [mailto:joaomanuelrino@hotmail.com]
Enviada: terça-feira, 29 de Março de 2011 21:32
Para: Acacio
Assunto: FW: BRAGA! Divulguem a foto, por favor! "EU VOS SUPLICO"



Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2011 21:37:59 +0430
Subject: Fwd: BRAGA! Divulguem a foto, por favor! "EU VOS SUPLICO"
From: fborgesalmeida@gmail.com

---------- Mensagem encaminhada ----------


 Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2011 9:47 AM

Subject: Fwd: FW: BRAGA! Divulguem a foto, por favor! "EU VOS SUPLICO"



Passem o mail, sff...

Artur Marques
Banco Espírito Santo, S.A.
Gestor 360º - Agência S. João do Souto
Largo S. João do Souto 31
4700-030 Braga
Tel:                       Telemóvel:               96 2141235        Fax: 253 609 074

Divulguem a foto, por favor! 'EU VOS SUPLICO'

















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Carlos Tavares

----- Finalizar mensagem encaminhada -----

Ivo Pimentel
mobile: +351.968817930

----- Finalizar mensagem encaminhada -----

F.Borges Almeida

Conceição Nobre

Olga  Rainho