sábado, 29 de outubro de 2011


Dear Friend,

How are you with your family? I hope fine. I'm happy to inform you about my success in getting those funds transferred under the cooperation of a new partner from Venezuela, Presently i'm in Venezuela, meanwhile I didn't forget your past efforts to assist me in transferring those funds despite that it failed us some how. Now contact my secretary in Burkina-Faso West Africa through her e-mail id (ms.mariam199@gmail.com) ask her to send you the A.T.M worths sum of ($500,000.00 US Dollars) which I kept for your compensation for all the past efforts and attempts to assist me in this transaction. so feel free and get in touch with my secretary Ms.Mariam she will send the A.T.M to you.


quinta-feira, 27 de outubro de 2011

Lembrete: Marina Ribeiro convidou-te para aderires ao Facebook...

Marina quer ser teu/tua amigo/a no Facebook. Qualquer que seja a distância a que estás do teus amigos e familiares, o Facebook pode ajudar-te a manter-te em contacto.
Outras pessoas pediram para ser tuas amigas no Facebook. Aceita esta convite para vores os teus pedidos de amizade anteriores
Marina Ribeiro
16 amigos
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A mensagem foi enviada para miguelnanet.amigosdopinhal@blogger.com. Se não quiseres receber estes e-mails do Facebook no futuro ou que o teu endereço de e-mail seja utilizado para sugestões de amizade, podes cancelar a subscrição. Facebook, Inc. P.O. Box 10005, Palo Alto, CA 94303

terça-feira, 11 de outubro de 2011

Lembrete: Marina Ribeiro convidou-te para aderires ao Facebook...

Marina quer ser teu/tua amigo/a no Facebook. Qualquer que seja a distância a que estás do teus amigos e familiares, o Facebook pode ajudar-te a manter-te em contacto.
Outras pessoas pediram para ser tuas amigas no Facebook. Aceita esta convite para vores os teus pedidos de amizade anteriores
Marina Ribeiro
12 amigos
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A mensagem foi enviada para miguelnanet.amigosdopinhal@blogger.com. Se não quiseres receber estes e-mails do Facebook no futuro ou que o teu endereço de e-mail seja utilizado para sugestões de amizade, podes cancelar a subscrição. Facebook, Inc. P.O. Box 10005, Palo Alto, CA 94303

sábado, 1 de outubro de 2011

fromMiss Ophelia E. M. Grant

Dearest one

I am Miss Ophelia E. M.Grant foreign nationality of Indonesia, I contacted you based on my proposition, my mother just passed
away in the month of June 2010. Before my mother's death hey had left a huge some amount of money and 100KGS of Gold kept in a bank for safe keeping here in London .

it is by his grace that the bank has summoned me to come forward with my guardianship for the claims due to my age. I brought this
vital information to you believing that you will come to my aid with great assistance and opinion

in the investing of these properties in your country, all I want from you is to give me foreign
assistance to receive these funds and Gold to a safer place in your country as my foreign legal trustee

to avoid loosing them here because I am a foreigner and my parents are no more but all legal claims
documents were given to me with acknowledgement from the deposited bank.

I have plans to continue my Education and do investment in your country with your support assistance
in businesses like real estate and industrial production where the funds will keep growing for our benefit.

Please contact me urgently for further vital details

god bless you

Miss Ophelia E. M. Grant
this is attachment message from Miss Ophelia E. M. Grant read and get back to me